Beech House – Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
SARC stands for Sexual Assault Referral Centre. If you are in East Kent, the closest one to you is Beech House, in Maidstone.
You can contact them on 01622 726461 (24 hour answer phone)
or alternatively on their out of hours number on 0800 133 7432
If you have been sexually assaulted within the last 7 days, you can call Beech House and arrange to visit.
Please note that this is not a drop in service so please do call first.
- They can support you in deciding if you would like evidence to be collected and ensure that your health needs are met.
- You can have a medical examination here even if you don’t want to involve the police at the moment but feel that you might want to in the future.
- The examination will be carried out by specially trained female medical examiners and you will be supported by one of their crisis workers throughout.
- There are safeguarding procedures in place and if you, a child or someone else is at serious risk of harm, Beech House staff have an obligation to inform the relevant agencies.
Please call Beech House for more information and they will be more than happy to explain to you how they can support you. If it has been longer than 7 days, there are still many ways in which they can help you so please do get in touch with them.
Please click here
to be redirected to their website for further information.