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For all those who have supported me:
I woke up in the middle of the night. It had really really rained and it was the rain that woke me. I could hear it pounding on the roof and the wind howling. But I didn't feel scared.
You have told me how brave I am. But I did not feel it. I felt like I had no other choice and that the result of that choice, because everything has a cost, was to feel like this.
To feel fractured into so many pieces that they could never be found. To just be weak and broken. Curled into a ball, knowing the whole world, everyone out there could see how exposed I am.
To have this thing which is rotting me from my core.
My skin is inside out.
Every part of what and who I was is tainted.
That the menacing shadow I am trying to shake off, the one that is there in the corner of my eye and at the tip of my spine. The one that makes me nauseous and fearful and then the sickening jolt, that it is me.
It is the end of summer and I have kicked a wasp’s nest when I know they are starving.
But then something shifted and I woke in this storm. And that howling wind and pouring rain felt like a cosy blanket keeping me safe, protecting me. And I was content, everything felt ok but actually better. I was secure in that darkness and immense noise. I was stable.
That space inside of me that felt like it had been a reservoir of poison was warm. The wind tossed and spun all the pieces of me back into one place. The downpour cleansed me of the toxins I thought ran through my veins and fed my brain and polluted my soul.
This is how it feels to be cared for by you. To be loved by you. To call you my friend.
You have looked me in the eye, unflinchingly, as I told you of my pain and my deeply, deeply powerful shame that had gagged me for so long.
Your fingers are outstretched to mine as I am crumpled on the floor, ready to help me stand up.
You have stood guard over me as I am fetal, scrunched, and naked.
Your back is braced and your shoulders strong for the time I need to lean on your arm.
Your hand is never far from the small of my back, ready to push me up if I am about to fall.
And I sob as I write this. Not because I feel dirty and damaged and vile and weak, in a prison, trapped and paralysed as I try to navigate who I am and how and what and why I am here.
I cry because I am capable because of you.
I thought the weather was my blanket, but it's not, it's you.
That relief to know the sensation of content and comfort. It is you.
I am surrounded by Amazons and Warriors. You made a fortress for me.
You are with me.
Screaming into the wind, roaring into the rain and this is what it is to be brave.
Where are you, are you there?
Did your soul get snatched before it had a chance to start over
All new and wiped clean, or has it shattered into a million pieces like my heart?
Sharpened edges cutting into the sky
No place yet to go but gathering in readiness to light up the night.
Where are you, are you there?
Are you an echo in the shadows that grips my hand dragging me through the same story as I fight my way out of the storm?
I look for solace in the clouds as they gather me up in a warm, gentle breeze to guide me forward along the way.
Where are you, are you there?
Can I hear you in the trees, whispering and conspiring to hold me hostage as I stand underneath an umbrella of fading leaves?
Soon winter will come and strip your cover
No longer so powerful or dominating, now naked and bare for the world to see
My body pushes with all its might to set myself free from the entangled branches
I continue forward on my journey.
Where are you, are you there?
Are you the mist of the ocean hiding in my salty tears or have you fallen amongst grace against the wrath of perilous cold waves, as they sweep you further away from me?
My feet plant firmly in the sand as I stand bravely in my true form at the water’s edge, looking out onto the gateway of freedom
One day I will join the ocean to meet the waves and say hello when they have forgiven the storm
Until then I leave behind my tired, heavy stones
They no longer need to be carried
As I walk away, a residue of footprints stay imprinted in time as it waits there for my return
©️ Written by Elizabeth Shane, from Silhouette of a Songbird