Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

This service is suitable for anyone 18 years old and over who has recently experienced sexual violence or coercion and will be available in the same week you are referred or self refer to our service. TCI's provide support for anyone who has recently experienced sexual violence and may not necessarily be ready for counselling.

Are you a recent survivor of sexual


If you are an adult who is being abused, or if you have recently experienced sexual abuse or coercion, your mind and body will be undergoing things that may be very difficult to understand, interpret and cope with.

Although everyone is different and deals with things differently, we believe it's really important that you receive support as soon as possible, and this is what our TCI counsellors can provide.

What is TCI and who is it for?

We offer this service as an alternative way for you to speak to someone where it may be too early for traditional counselling.

You will be seen by an senior counsellor within days of a referral for between 1 and 3 sessions.

These sessions will be working on normalising thoughts and feelings, understanding how the brain and body can react to trauma and exploring coping strategies that work for you.

Listen to EKRCC's Director,

Zoe Bell talking about our Therapeutic Crisis Intervention service

If you require immediate help, need medical assistance or would like to report a sexual assault, there are a few things you can do to get help right away. 
To speak with a Therapeutic Crisis Intervention counsellor, contact us.
Get in touch


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